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TALON Grips are textured, stick-on gun grips that help you get a secure hold on your firearm improving performance, safety, and confidence so you maintain control. Installation is quick and easy. The pistol grips will not move or shift once installed, however, they can be removed cleanly at any time, returning your pistol to original factory condition. You can expect 1 to 3 or more years of benefits from a TALON Grip.
Blaser sling swivel loop and pivot pin/screw.
Fits all Blaser rifles with fixed studs and will suit straps of up to 20mm x 3.5mm
Beretta Large Bradley Front Sight. This sight is standard on Beretta 682 Gold E, DT10 Competition, ASE Gold, and A400 Xcel models. This sight will fit any Beretta shotgun except old blade style models. This sight will fit other shotguns that use a 2.6x.45 front sight.
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