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Beretta Large Bradley Front Sight. This sight is standard on Beretta 682 Gold E, DT10 Competition, ASE Gold, and A400 Xcel models. This sight will fit any Beretta shotgun except old blade style models. This sight will fit other shotguns that use a 2.6x.45 front sight.
The Choate Flash Hider and Front Sight for the Ruger Mini-14 fits most 580 and higher series rifles. For use on rifles with a barrel diameter of 0.625″, make sure to measure the barrel before you order, some of the early 580 series rifles have the smaller 0.562″ barrel. The compensator is attached to the gun barrel by a 1/8 inch spring steel roll pin. Gunsmith installation recommended to drill hole for roll pin.
GLOCK OEM factory Recoil Spring Assembly fits G19, G23, G32, G38 (marked 5593 on end of recoil spring guide). For Generation 1, 2, and 3 pistols.
Blaser sling swivel loop and pivot pin/screw.
Fits all Blaser rifles with fixed studs and will suit straps of up to 20mm x 3.5mm
Vibra-Tite 111 is a low strength, anaerobic thread locking compound. Vibra-Tite 111 is design for locking threaded fasteners that require disassembly with standard hand tools. The product performs on aluminum, steel, plated, stainless steel, and special alloy parts. Vibra-Tite 111 exhibits good temperature and solvent resistant.
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